August – The Most Quiet Month Of The Year
Title says it all folks! It’s unbelievable that we are already in September but it’s still time to do a recap of the August 2020 Welted Shoe News! If I am honest there is nothing groundbreaking and news were limited so I will do my best.
In today’s article we will touch upon the new Shoegazing Trunk Show date, the recently completed Isetan Expo and various markdowns and sales for those hunting for a good deal.
Oh, there is also a great podcast we released where I talk about running a small solo online business!
Let’s start.
The Noble…Podcast?
It’s been a desire of mine to do a Podcast with regular shoe lovers and it’s still in the works. Until then, I had the chance to discuss shoes and running The Noble Shoe with Jesper Ingevaldsson from Shoegazing. He was very kind to host me and released the Podcast in August. It is about 32 minutes long and a very nice listen if you like the format or want to dive in the mind of a “solopreneur” in 2020.

You can find the Podcast Here! Let me know what you thought!
New Date For The Shoegazing London Super Trunk
In an expected (and understandable move) the organizers of the famous Trunk Shows pushed the date back to 2021 instead. There is too much uncertainty with Covid-19 still raging so as a precaution it was for the best.
The new date is Saturday May 8 2021 in the same venue as before, Showcase in Regent Street. I hope to see you all there and let me know if you plan to visit so we can maybe meet up!
A lot of very nice and important brands will be present, both emerging and established. Paolo Scafora, Septieme Largeur & TLB Mallorca to name a few!
Sales & Clearances Alert
As aforementioned many factories closed down during August for vacations so there are no groundbreaking announcements to make. However, there are some clearances going on here and there and I did my best to gather a few of them. Here’s what I found:
- J.FitzPatrick Summer Sale & Markdowns: Discounts up to 40% for Discontinued Models
- Loake Final Sale: 30% Off Selected Styles
- Tricker’s Outlet: Always worth checking for some country or bolder shoes
- Pediwear: 20% Off Selected Styles
- Herring Shoes: Final Sale
- Cheaney: Some good options in the Outlet
- Septieme Largeur: Free Patina Offer (Save 75 Euros!)
- Vass Shoes: 20-50% on many models
- CNES Shoemaker: 30% Discounts on RTW
- Bäckmans Skoservice: 20-50% Clearance on many models (use Google Translate)
- Gaziano & Girling: 20% Off ALL Shoes with code “SPRING20”
Not bad especially if you are looking for something high end. It’s not often that G&G do sales and that you can get a Handwelted Vass shoe for that price. What will you get?
The Noble Shoe | Two (New?) GMTOs For September
Keeping it short for my news here, after the tremendous response and result of the Carlos Santos Handgrade Single Monks and some Reverse Stitched Oxford Samples in Patina it was natural to bring them back. This time around you can select the Patina of your choice.
First is the Carlos Santos Handgrade Single Monks in Patina ($406.99) on the 389 Last which looks like a $1000 G&G Shoe.

And secondly the Carlos Santos Handgrade Reverse Stitched Oxford in Patina ($409.99) on the 445 Last.

We aim to have them by December (depending what other catastrophe 2020 has in store for us!) and they will run from September 1 until September 30. I already have entries and let me tell you the monks in particular are spectacular.
The Isetan Shoe Expo 2020
Unfortunately I don’t know much about this apart from the fact that this is the second year of a glowingly popular exhibition in Japan. And it would be a shame to just copy the already great and more in-depth cover of Jesper at Shoegazing. It’s still great to mention to raise some awareness if you are in the region or maybe consider visiting next year when things calm down.
Trivia: Not sure how or why, but MICAM Milano still plans to go through in September 20-23 which really baffles me. More on that next month!
That’s All Folks!
And that’s it with a quickfire article this week. I still managed and tried to cover as much as I could. It really doesn’t help that the internet is filled with crap or news about only sneakers. Did I miss something important? Let me know or you can always tip me at [email protected]! That concludes the Welted Shoe News Article for August 2020. I hope for some more drama or exciting announcements next month but let’s see!
In the meantime, keep safe, stay healthy (unlike me that got a terrible flu) and let’s live as stylishly as we can! Don’t forget to Subscribe or send a comment (bad or good!) and I will see you next week.
Thank you for reading,
Kostas Mandilaris,
Misiu Academy
New design and very beautiful shoes
Thank you sir!